Lab Vision™ Autostainer 360-2D

Lab Vision™ Autostainer 360-2D

Stain at least 108 slides per day with Thermo Scientific™ Autostainer 360-2D, a fast, space-saving unit that provides flexible options to meet the workflow needs of any laboratory. Autostainers are renowned for their consistency and reliability and are among the most widely used IHC platforms worldwide.


Slide Capacity – 1–36 slides/run

Reagent Capacity – Up to 40 reagents/run, 12mL/reagent

Operating Temperature                – Ambient

Carryover – <10-6

Height (Metric) – 58cm

Length (Metric) – 67cm

Width (Metric) – 76cm

Voltage – 220V

Description – Autostainer 360 220V

Cat.No. A80500003